Small Group Leaders

Leading a Small Group is an incredible
way to serve the church and help others.

There’s no pressure to be perfect or know all the facts in order to lead a group — all you need is a heart for people. We’ll also provide everything you need to lead a successful Small Group. We know that God does amazing things in these settings, and we can’t wait to hear how He moves in your group! 

Lead a Group

  • Do you have a heart to see people connect with others and grow in their walk with God? Then leading a Connect Group is for you! With a Connect Group, you get to decide the day, time, and location of your group meeting. You can also choose to discuss the weekend messages or select one of our Milestone Resources to study in your group.

  • Have you gone through Values 301 and want to help others connect and learn about the culture of Milestone Church? Then Values 301 may be a great place for you to serve! Fill out the interest form below, and our Growth Track Team will reach out to you about leading a group in the class.

  • Have you gone through Freedom and now want to lead others through this powerful experience? Then click the interest form below, and our Freedom Team will follow up with you about leading a Freedom Group.

  • Do you have a desire to help people grow in the area of biblical stewardship? We’re always looking for leaders who care about people, are good with money, and want to help people connect with God. Financial Foundations is a 6-week class that meets on site at our local campuses. Fill out the interest form below, and our Stewardship Team will follow up with you about leading a Financial Foundations Group.

Are you leading a Small Group for the first time?

If you are leading a Small Group for the first time, we believe in you and are excited for this journey! While it may seem intimidating at first, the good news is you don’t have to know all the answers or have the Bible memorized to lead a group successfully. We will provide the resources you need to do it—all you need is a heart to serve people and to help them grow.

Manage Your Small Group

We’ve made it easy to manage various aspects of your Small Group in our Small Group Finder. This is how participants will search for Small Groups to join and will allow you to make fast and easy connections!

Weekly Message
Discussion Guides

If your Small Group discusses the weekend messages, you can find Message Discussion Guides right here every week. Each Sunday at noon, a new guide from the most recent message will be available. Find Message Discussion Guides here or by downloading the Milestone Church App.